The event I was fortunate to attend was the Make a Difference event. This event was about managing not-for-profits which took place Thursday, February 19, 2015 at Canisius College.

The entire event was presented in a professional manner. The five panelists are alumni of Canisius College’s MS in Communication and Leadership program.

 There was a wide variety of people at the event which ranged from students to faculty and professional attendees.

The panelists provided great insight on the power of networking and informational interviewing as an avenue to a prospective job. All stressed that making partnerships with similar organizations was the key to the longevity of small not-for-profit programs. This is because in the small Buffalo Niagara market, all programs are striving for the same donor dollars. Therefore it’s advisable to join forces and work as one unit towards a similar cause to secure funding from the limited supply of donors dollars.