I can’t believe it’s the end of the semester and I just had to say goodbye at my internship yesterday. The staff at dPost made me feel nothing but welcomed and I can’t thank them enough.

Although there weren’t any new projects for me to work on while I was there I still was plenty busy! I was given project after project to edit and animate to improve my skills. It didn’t matter to me that none of my work made it on air since they were past dPost projects. I was learning! I became a pro in Premiere and learned more about AfterEffects than I though I ever would.

Whatever your internship, make sure to use the resources around you. As I sat at my little desk in dPost, I had access to all the editors in the building who were more than happy to answer my questions. After every edit I got constructive criticism so I could go back and make it better. Through the dPost staff I was able to grow as an editor and gain real world experience. I learned very quickly that what you learn in filmmaking class is about 1/10 of what you have to learn in the real world!

Don’t take your internship for granted. When working with professionals in your desired field you will never stop learning. And if you happen to get as lucky as I did at dPost, they will never stop wanting to teach!