Interning with Carly’s Club in the Roswell Park Alliance Foundation this past semester has been one of the most amazing experiences. In my goal statement I said that I wanted to learn all that it took to plan an event and coordinate the activities for a nonprofit. At the time though I had no clue just how much Carly’s Club actually did though. This organization not only organizes events but they are there to support these families every step of the way and continue to keep in contact with these families even after the children have left Roswell. While interning with Carly’s club I have created content for the organization brochure, interacted with families, planned activities for the Holiday party, learned new computer skills, and so much more. But the most important thing that I have gained from this internship are real connections in this industry. I was lucky enough to have an amazing supervisor and my only complaint about the internship is that I didn’t have time to be there more often.