I had the opportunity to attend a unique networking event hosted by my church. “Kingdom Come” is a ministry of The Chapel with the mission “to ensure that every man, woman and child has repeated opportunities to hear and see the Gospel of Jesus Christ.” This ministry allows for partnerships and connects The Chapel with dozens of other organizations with the same objectives locally, nationally, and internationally.
One particular Sunday, October 19th, there was a Kingdom Come networking event simply titled, “Kingdom Come Sunday”. It was an incredible experience to attend an event where so many different people from different backgrounds all came together to advocate and represent their organizations and gain support from others. The atrium was filled with tables and banners, giving everyone who attended a quick glimpse at each ministry and allowed everyone to talk to representatives, make connections, and hopefully get involved. Each organization has a unique way of being “on mission”, either by planting churches, building schools, working with adoption agencies, providing clean water wells, or countless other ways. Anyone who attended could easily connect with a ministry that he or she could relate to. It truly represented the diversity of the Christian faith.
Not only were communications and marketing huge factors at this event, but there was also a media component that I was fortunate to be a part of. I created a video that was shown at the event (which can seen at https://vimeo.com/109853216) that represented the Kingdom Come ministry as a whole, what it has done so far, and what it plans on doing in the future. In addition, The Chapel’s annual magazine, “On Mission” (which can be viewed online at http://www.thechapel.com/kingdomcome/wp-content/uploads/2014/10/On-Mission_2014_forweb.pdf) was also released during the event and encapsulates the diversity and wide range of ministries that participated.
It was such a great experience to be a part “Kingdom Come Sunday”, make connections with various ministries and see how so many different people can be united under one mission. It helped me to see how communication can really play a huge role in networking. I loved seeing the different elements (video, print, and one-on-one interaction) from both personal and mass media perspectives come together to unify a group of people looking to learn more about so many organizations.
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