I was nervous the night of the Di Gamma Honor Society dinner. I didn’t know many students in the society, let alone any professionals who would be there. I carpooled to the Buffalo Club, and attempted to hide my nerves with small talk as I walked into the building.

We arrived while the room was still mostly empty and enjoyed the cocktail hour while the room quickly filled up.

Finally sitting down for dinner, I found myself at a table with people that I didn’t know. My nerves were eased though, as introductions started, and conversations began. Knowing that I was a student, professionals would ask what my major was. Upon learning that I’m majoring in Journalism and Communication, they would tick off people they knew in the field who I should talk to or who they could connect me with, or give me an email along with the promise that they would find some way to help me.

By the end of the night I realized that the common thread of Canisius and the DiGamma Honor society connected everyone in the room with a mutual desire to help one another and promote the school.