Ironed clothes, full tank of gas, and full charge on the cell phone. The only three things that could help limit the butterflies occupying my stomach the night before. I had hopes that these superficial fixes would ensure a stress free, flawless day, and a warm welcome. However, the best they could do was ensure a good night’s sleep!
The next morning I ventured out to Niagara Falls to the Community Development building. I pulled into the parking lot, took a deep breath, and confidentially walked up to the front door. As went up to the door I reached to pull the handle with a firm grip only to find myself slightly stagger at a locked door. [Note to self and other interns: Find out what door to use BEFORE you arrive.] I have heard many times that it is tough to “get your foot in the door” in a company or organization, I had not realized that this could mean literally. First challenge of the day: complete.
After introductions and a quick meeting, I found myself researching a non-profit organization called “Isaiah 61 Project”. Their mission is focused around rehabilitating unemployed people and abandoned houses. They partner with BOCES to teach unemployed people skills such as plumbing, carpentry and electrical work. They practice these skills by renovating abandoned homes in Niagara Falls and getting them ready to be resold. I will be working to help the Isaiah 61 Project to get a social media presence on the internet. I will be creating Facebook and Twitter pages to help spread the word of their transformations.
Overall the first week was not bad! I felt welcomed and enjoyed learning about my new tasks! Can’t wait to see what is next!
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