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This week in COLI, we’ve been experimenting with, a simple but brilliant toolset that enables a reader to annotate text on websites and share those annotations with others. is a non-profit organization, and is particularly interested in furthering scholarship and teaching.  This has all sorts of applications.  Students can add critical annotations to documents as part of an assignment.  Or working in groups, students can discuss web-based texts by adding highlights and comments that the other group members can also see.

At this link, we have the COLI Wiki site (a popular location).  But overlaid on it are highlights, that if clicked, show comments.  You’ll also see comments flagged on the right-side scrollbar.  Plus, in the upper right is’ toolset buttons, including a feature that shows all available comments on the page.  Imagine the possibilities for text analysis, information literacy, and a variety of other web-based coursework!