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Here in COLI, we are frequently asked to help people get started with social media for their personal and professional use. In an effort to assist the campus in developing their personal and professional social media presence, we are working on a few initiatives.

  1. First, we’ve worked with ITS to make account creation more seamless- you can now request a program email that multiple people can use, instead of attaching social media accounts to one individual. This way, if an individual leaves the college or graduates, we are still able to access those accounts.
  2.  We also started a resource site for folks to turn to. It’s a work in progress, but it features helpful resources such as a social media starter kit, a social media tune-up kit, a social media strategy template, and much more.
  3. We are working with other groups on campus, such as Admissions and Marketing and Communication, to develop even more resources, templates, and graphics that could be used in campus social media efforts.

If we can help you get started with social media or help you to manage your existing profiles, please don’t hesitate to contact us.