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Winter weather comes to campus, and all your careful plans lovingly crafted into your syllabi are mauled, as classes must be canceled. But wait! Your courses need not grind to a halt just because of a little snow!

You can efficiently email your entire class both within and outside of D2L:

Check out our D2L self-paced training set for tutorials on several ways you and your students can communicate via the web, including:

  • Webcam Videos
  • Asynchronous Discussions
  • Quizzes (for short, low-stakes reading comprehension exercises.)

Also handy can be short videos you can record and install into your D2L course spaces. This can be done via Webcam within D2L, or by Screencasting. If you use a Mac, Quicktime and iMovie are great for this. If you use a PC, Powerpoint can export to mp4 video format, or you can contact COLI for a Zoom or Screencast-O-Matic pro license.

Don’t let winter weather put your course behind! Instead, continue the class via the internet!