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In Episode 13, we give a brief monologue on some tips and activities that instructors can use to help students take better notes during class. We also cover a few ways instructors can encourage students to become more involved in the lecture.

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Great Resources

Barkley, Elizabeth F., and Claire Howell Major. Interactive Lecturing a Handbook for College Faculty. Jossey-Bass ; John Wiley & Sons, 2018. Open WorldCat

Davis, Tessa. “Https://Twitter.Com/Tessardavis/Status/1359819223212699648.” Twitter Accessed 16 Mar. 2022.

“Home.” The K. Patricia Cross Academy Accessed 17 Mar. 2022.

McMurtie, Beth. “A ‘Stunning’ Level of Student Disconnection Professors Are Reporting Record Numbers of Students Checked out, Stressed out, and Unsure of Their Future.” The Chronicle of Higher Education Accessed April 12, 2022.

Other Links

Note-taking and Studying for College (guide for students)

Creating SlideDecks

Microsoft Lens App for Scanning Written Documents