The Griff Center and the Library are partnering to present an Academic Workshop Series focused on helping students understand library resources and find the most useful information for research-based assignments. These workshops will include topics such as: Getting Started with Research, Peer Reviewed and Scholarly Research, Citations and Academic Integrity. The other workshops will support students in their everyday academic work with topics like time management and study skills. All workshops will take place in the Library. Times will vary in order to provide more options for students with varying schedules.
Sunday | 2/25/18 | 7:00pm | Research 101 | Library Learning Center |
Wednesday | 3/7/18 | 2:30pm | Career Preparation | Library Conference Room |
Wednesday | 3/14/18 | 7:00pm | Research 101 | Library Learning Center |
Wednesday | 3/21/18 | 2:30pm | Math Skills | Library Conference Room |
Sunday | 3/25/18 | 7:00pm | Research 101 | Library Learning Center |
Wednesday | 3/28/18 | 2:30pm | Time Management | Library Conference Room |
Wednesday | 4/11/18 | 7:00pm | Research 101 | Library Learning Center |
Wednesday | 4/18/18 | 2:30pm | Essay Writing & Grammar | Library Conference Room |
Sunday | 4/22/18 | 7:00pm | Research 101 | Library Learning Center |
Wednesday | 5/2/18 | 2:30pm | Melting Into the Floor | TBD |
Professors, encourage your students to take advantage of these opportunities that will improve their work here at Canisius, and give them a professional edge after they graduate.