Now more than ever college faculty are under pressure to cultivate critical reading and writing skills in our students. But in our students’ worlds, our courses, lessons, and assignments compete with a wide variety of other priorities and media. We often struggle to persuade our students that these intellectual virtues are worth their time. Our most heartbreaking and frustrating experiences come when we discover that our students committed academic dishonesty, rather than make a sincere attempt to create original work.
This Spring, the Center for Online Learning & Innovation is hosting faculty meetups focused on the pedagogy of reading, writing, and academic integrity. Rather than a formal presentation, faculty come as colleagues to share our experiences and concerns. Moreover, each participant is encouraged to share triumphs, however tentative or small: when did you do or discover something that you believe fostered reading and writing skills among your students? What can you share with your colleagues across campus that might help them in their classrooms and disciplines?
All faculty, part-time and full-time, are welcome. COLI supplies the refreshments.
Next Meetup: Thursday, March 22nd, 4:00 – 5:30 PM, Library Classroom
Together, we can do much more!