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Since Large Language Model (LLM) Generative Artificial Intelligence (AI) became popular late last year, COLI has been tracking the development of this technology, and experimenting with the three major text-generation tools: ChatGPT, Bing Chat, and Google Bard.

We have compiled notes on these AIs, as well as methods of teaching with these AIs in mind, in a tentative resource. This is tentative because AIs are developing rapidly, so any statement we make may plausibly change in just a few weeks or months. But we feel it’s time to provide what we’ve learned so far to Canisius faculty, to better assist them in planning to teach in Summer and Fall 2023 semesters.

If you are interested in learning more about Large Language Model AIs, keep an eye on faculty development events, or schedule an appointment with COLI staff. If you have conducted your own, discipline-specific AI experiments, we’d love to hear your observations so far, and will gladly include them in our notes for faculty.

We will periodically be updating this as we discover new information, either in various sources or through our own conversations with the AIs. As such, we will add a change log so it is easy for you to check back and see what we’ve added.