Here’s some links to core resources helpful for faculty teaching in the 2021 Spring Semester.
Canisius Faculty Preparedness Guide – Our guide for rapidly transitioning courses to online format, in response to COVID 19 Social Distancing. This includes tutorials, possibilities for building online activities, links to live training, and our faculty mentors list.
COVID-19 Academic Resources – Policies, guidelines, and tips from Academic Affairs Division, concerning teaching during the COVID-19 crisis.
Canisius Student Preparedness Guide – Our guide for students during circumstances where all courses must be remote/online format. Professors should scan it, since there may be helpful links for your syllabus, assignment instructions, or D2L course space.
Resources for Teaching Online – the complete list of resources for faculty teaching online or hybrid courses.
Faculty Development Opportunities – live trainings and meetups where you can learn core technologies for teaching online, and discuss possibilities with fellow faculty.
D2L Self-Paced Training – although individually they appear elsewhere, the complete list of current D2L tutorials for Canisius faculty can be found here.
Google Apps Tutorials – for faculty and students at Canisius College. For faculty, particularly, there are fresh tutorials explaining how to integrate Google Drive-based content with D2L.
Zoom Tutorials – Resources for using Zoom for synchronous course meetings.
Pedagogy Primer Podcast – COLI’s podcast focusing on teaching and learning. The latest episodes include tips for Asynchronous Discussions, which are a common element in online teaching and learning.
Canisius College Helpdesk – ask questions about information technology here. Your question will be channeled to the right person (or persons) who can best answer it.