In accordance with the Return to Campus Guide published by Canisius College Human Resources, and in support of the health and safety of our Canisius College community, the Center for Online Learning & Innovation will adhere to the following plan for the remainder of 2020:
Prior to and during on-campus operations, COLI Staff will follow exactly the procedures outlined in the Return to Campus Guide, for screening, social distancing, and hygiene.
Since a range of web-based communication modes are available, and in accordance with HR social distancing directions as outlined on page 8 of the Return to Campus Guide, the COLI director finds no essential reasons for face-to-face meetings with faculty, staff, and student clients. Until conditions change to warrant re-examination of policy, COLI staff will not conduct face-to-face (F2F) meetings with participants outside COLI. COLI staff will communicate with other campus members using email or appropriate web conferencing tools. Exceptions may be granted when a site and situation are the topic of the meeting.
The door to OM 404 will remain locked during all hours. If a COLI staff member is in the OM 404 office, they will not open the door in response to requests by unanticipated visitors. Exceptions to this are requests by Academic Affairs administrators, Facilities staff, ITS staff, or Canisius College Public Safety.
Faculty, staff, and students can obtain help with information technology, including from COLI staff, by contacting the Canisius College ITS HelpDesk, or by making an appointment to meet with COLI staff via remote web conferencing.