Welcome and welcome back, Adjunct Faculty!
COLI staff will be helping out at the Adjunct Faculty Open House and Orientation on 8/24. We hope that you will be able to join us. This is not* mandatory, but it will be packed with beneficial information and tips about teaching at Canisius. We can’t wait to meet you!
From Sara R Morris, Associate Vice President for Academic Affairs
Dear Members of the Canisius College Adjunct Faculty:
With the heat this summer, it’s hard to believe that it is almost time to start the new academic year. The first day of classes is August 29th, but I know that there is a lot of preparation before classes begin.
As part of our commitment to increasing faculty development opportunities on campus, we are offering the following opportunities that are open to all Adjunct Faculty. I would like to invite you to two events on Wednesday, August 24th prior to the beginning of the semester. Please consider attending the following:
- Library Open House for All Faculty-8/24- 3:30pm-5:00pm
- Adjunct Orientation Session-8/24- 5:00pm-7:00pm
All Adjunct Faculty are welcome and are encouraged to attend. Both sessions will be held in the library instruction room in the Bouwhuis Library.
The library open house will provide an opportunity to meet librarians and hear about the ways the library can be used to enhance your classes. The adjunct orientation will include information from human resources, information about services available on campus, teaching for mission at a Jesuit college, and an introduction to the Center for Online Learning and Innovation (including the use of Desire2Learn [D2L], our course management software).
I hope you will consider joining us on the 24th for either or both events. We ask that you please RSVP to Kathy Peter at peter@canisius.edu or at 888-2121 so we have an estimate of the number of people attending.
Thanks for all you do for our students, and best wishes for a fabulous semester.