You have probably heard something or another about 3D Printing, a relatively new manufacturing technique that can be done without major cost or resources. 3D printing is a fast-growing method for producing small batches of sophisticated products using digital drawings.

It’s great for making items that aren’t cheaply or readily available for purchase. There are several 3D Printers on the Canisius campus now, and these can produce physical items necessary or helpful for teaching and learning, research, maintenance, and a variety of other purposes.

Canisius COLI invites all faculty, students and staff to join us on April 12th at noon in Old Main 119, to learn the basics of 3D Printing:
- How do different 3D printers work?
- How might I use 3D printing to do things in my work, department, or office?
- How can one get started in 3D printing?
Whether you might be interested in doing some 3D printing, or just want to learn about the process to keep informed, this is a great opportunity. We’ll buy lunch! Please RSVP so we have a head-count for food and drink.