So I finally got my dream internship at my dream advertising agency and I love everyone I work with, but I’m only really doing social media posts. I enjoy doing some social media, but not all the time do I feel like a social media master. I am getting a lot of experience with what should be posted and what should not be posted, which is an important thing to know since I feel that when I first get a job, I will be doing at least some social media.

James, my supervisor, has been giving me small assignments, but most are research-based rather than actual writing for advertisements. I understand that they have to test me out to see if they can trust my writing or my thinking style so I am not disappointed at all.

James is helping me with my own social media campaign for March and has told me that soon I will be working on writing so I’m very excited for that. I am in charge of the snapchat for the agency, which has been a lot of fun as well as a good amount of responsibility. One of the projects I will be working on has the possibility to draw in a new client so I’m very excited for that!