The first few weeks of my internship at WNED have been really very slow.  I hadn’t done much other than meet people, organize a few closets, and update some emails.  Until now.

WNED just received an education grant to do a project based on problems that high school students face.  They”ve called the project Student Voices for now, and it’s going to be an hour long television program.  I’m really excited about this project because it’s just started now and will be airing right at the end of the semester, so I’ll get to see the entire process from beginning to end!  Last week, I got to help out with the project a lot.  Tuesday and Thursday, WNED had students from various high schools in the area come in and talk about the problems they face.  It was cool because the station is going to base the program on the research done on these focus groups.  It was also very interesting to hear about the types of things that high school students are worried about today.  Since I was in high school only three years ago, I was able to relate to a lot of the problems since I experienced them when I was in high school too.  I think this was especially relevant in regards to the concerns they had about technology, because I was probably the only one (from WNED) who used cell phones and laptops on a regular basis in high school.  In the end, we found that the students were most worried about not feeling supported by their teachers and their families in regards to their education.

Overall, I thought it was really interesting to experience the beginning stages of this project.  I thought it was great that WNED did their own research for the project by using focus groups, rather than just using other research that has been done in the past.  I’m really excited to see what happens with the project ad I’m so glad to be a part of it!