My experience at the Martin Group was very beneficial. My supervisor was extremely busy working on several accounts and projects all at once. However, he was still able to answer any questions I had about the media field. The first week I was there, I came in not knowing anything about what an advertising position would be like hands-on. I had taken one advertising class and a few marketing classes, but actually working on projects using the terms and techniques learned in class was a completely new experience for me. I was able to sit in and observe meetings with clients and hear the Martin Group people use advertising jargon. I learned how to use Excel better by organizing information and updating schedules and media kits. These media kits and schedules were overwhelming to me because of all of the information included (something I wish to get more familiar with reading in a future internship). I also called several clients to gather information for accounts. They would often ask me about media/advertising terms that I did not know, and I had to consult with my supervisor. When I did not have an assignment to work on, I had a handout and media workbook that my supervisor lent to me to learn advertising and media terms/processes. I also helped outside the media department by planning events and organizing files.  I did enjoy my internship overall. I have connected with some TMG people on Linkedin along with my supervisor and plan on staying in touch with them in the future.