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Innovation is a term that encompasses one of our three key efforts. Besides assisting individuals across the college to develop new processes and implement new technologies, we will also be partnering with professionals on and off campus to introduce new programming and concepts to the wider campus audience through discussions and events. This year’s theme is “The Open Web”.

Sept. : Wikipedia in the Classroom

Oct. : The Free and Open Textbook

Nov. : Teaching and Learning in the Open (MOOCs & P2PU)

Dec. : Incorporating and Participating in Citizen Science

Jan. : Change your Classroom/Workflow with GAFE

Feb. : Using Open Data in Your Research and Classroom

Mar. : Using the Creative Commons

Apr. : The Open Movement

Oct. : #CanisiusCreateDay Feb. : #CanisiusHourofCode

Don’t forget to mark the dates on your own calendar! See our COLI Calendar to find out when each session will be offered. No sign up is necessary to attend any of these discussions or events.

Call for speakers/presenters/change makers: Are you already engaged in or using the tools above? Are you able to present or help at any of the discussions or events? Email Leah:

We hope to see you at some of these upcoming events!